Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fantastic Story: Saw SK

A courageous young Malaysian Chinese lady, Saw SK, who happened to meet me at the beginning of February 2008, experienced the club for her 3 free healthy meals, and decided on the spot that she wants to lose weight.

After so many years of gaining weight, as far as she was concerned: " enuff".
As most people who work in an office job will know, that after a few years working in a docile manner, (computer & desk), which as a result means less physical activity, add to that: the journey to and fro, most likely car, train or bus, (even more lack of activity)...get home, eat dinner, and very likely have snacks with TV...or enjoy late night supper...aiyo...well after so many years...the body pays the price. Period!

Well no longer for this bold & brave lady. Not only did she decide to start the "weight-loss & shape-up programme" 3 days before CNY, she also made it very clear that she would use it consistently in front of her cherished family; that would be celebrating CNY all around her! Of course she took advantage of the mouth-watering foods, who wouldn't! But true to her commitment, she maintained the use of her Herbalife Shake and Tea twice every single day, replacing 2 of her 3 daily meals. And you want to know what happened next ................... ...................
come to the club and find out! Ha ha ha, just kidding, ok this once I share:

In under 10days, not only did her clothes lighten up, she got more energy, and is for sure not haggard looking, in fact the opposite, her complexion has turned a light on, and in those 10days she lost an amazing 2.2kg!

While everyone else was putting on weight enjoying their favourite foods for CNY, she did the opposite...lose weight while enjoying her favourite CNY foods! What an amazing gal!

EVEN BETTER NEWS TODAY (Friday February 29th) Saw has lost a total of 4 kgs in just under ONE MONTH!!!And she has shaped up in all the right areas, nd is looking even better! Congratulations Saw!! And what amazing products...hear amazing stories like this and more every single day at the club...see ya!
Oh and here is a little addition, 2 different photos that show that even in the early stages of the programme, the photos show distinct changes in appearance, (judge for yourself). The first image was taken on the 4th February, the 2nd was taken on March 21st:

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Lack of Good Nutrition & Poor Lifestyle Choices!

How come after all the major breakthroughs in Scientific Technology, Medications, Hospital Treatments, the world continues to become sicker,fatter, more tired and more unhealthy?

Here are some diagrams, that can partly answer most of that question:

Due to Globalisation, and the American Dream re-interpreted & spilled out all over the world, the result has seen, a human task force almost completely dependant on computers and sitting down in offices, with the ever increasing propensity to use certain methods of transportation, as opposed to physical movement, and then of course, watching TV, (before, during and after dinner), and finally, eating too much amounts of food, snacks & sugary beverages. Welcome to "Globesity" Age.

In this next diagram, you can see the amount of nutrients allocated to each vegetable/fruit, and how, over these last 20 years, this level of nutrients has had unbelievable & scary decreases! This is all mainly due to the methods applied in today's agriculture, followed by transportation, refrigeration, conservation, even processing. So even with the so called "healthy foods", you must question what actually is and what is not the best for your body.

In the next diagram:
(Upper Arc) Most people give to their body too much of the things that are not good, and as a result, (Lower Arc), their bodies do not get enough of what it should be getting!

Since the year our company started (1980), the scary statistics of all the diet & poor lifestyle related illnesses, (Diabetes, Stroke, Heart Problems, Cancer) are not just increasing, but year in, year out, these numbers are leaping up huge %'s.
Herbalife does have a solution, that has withstood the test of time, and will provide everyone with all the cellular nutrition that their body needs on a daily basis!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Club Characters

A 64 year old American, (former film director), who still plays basketball twice a week, and thanks to taking care of his health, for 20 years, has a body age of a 39 year old, and is now fantastically rich for his amazing story telling capabilities, there is hardly any place in the world you can meet such an exceptional character.

A former air-hostess (from Sweden), who has reclaimed her life back from being stressed, depressed & lack of good nutrition, at 51 looks in great shape, and has a body the age of a 29 year old. Has measurements of 90-70-90, and thighs of 48, you have to see it to believe it!

A beautiful 27year old (from Cameron Highlands), who has lost 4 inches in the last few months, has overcome all skin problems, and has the most infectious of laughs.

A highly ambitious couple (boy from Taiwan, wife from Germany), he gave birth to a 14kg pile of unwanted body fat in under 3 months, and in his own words "no longer looks disgusting", and his darlng wife, not only toned up and looks very fine, also lost 8kgs in the process, if u want to meet the king of excitement, guess what...

A superbly handsome 28year old (Half French & half Scottish), often compared to David Beckham...goodness knows why! Lost 5kgs in 3 weeks, annihilated his 8 cups a day coffee addiction (turning it into a rare commodity/luxury as it should be), will make u laugh with his great life stories and make u envious as his body age is 17years old.

There are so many other characters in the club everyday, sharing whatever they know about life, and getting the same back.

Its fun, its exciting, there's so much to learn, and if you don't become a better person, then u obviously didn't visit the club long enough!

KLN Club, 1st Floor, Wisma UOA 2, Jalan Pinang (near KLCC)

Let Remi know when you want to come & to receive your 3 free meals!
016-376 8059,