Monday, December 17, 2007

Globesity versus Wellness

The articles below are testament to Malaysia playing a large part in the growing "Globesity" problems. Through the New Straits Times, the Malaysian government and the W.H.O. provide statistics that are unsettling, and increasing.

Having lived in Malaysia for almost 2 years, I have come to accept that this truly is a food country, the majority of population are so proud of their national cuisine, (and they have every right to be for the delicious tastes), that they have redefined the use of the word "supper" and its not unusual to have 5 meals a day, including the "supper" between midnight & 2am. It is true that alot of food that Malaysia offers is very tasty, yet by eating such foods consistently (high in calories/fats/oils/sugars...etc) coupled with a decrease in physical activity (as the world has now moved towards a working environment modelled around computers and sitting down alot of the time), and then of course movement in tropical countries is almost always involving taxis, cars, motorbikes, escalators, elevators...etc! Is the price people are paying really worth it? Please ask yourself this question.

There is a huge problem, and it doesn't take a mathematical genius to figure out that we really are what we eat!
Linked directly to obesity are problems such as diabetes, cancer, heart-attack & stroke, and not only are the numbers jumping up each year, but the age of people suffering such lifestyle diseases is getting younger and younger, more and more children are suffering these same problems that traditionally were associated mainly to adults.

So what must one do about it? The key is WELLNESS. 3 main steps to achieve this are, 1) Drink plenty of water, 2) Regular exercise & 3) Good Balanced Nutrition.

At the KLNclub we will ensure that you receive all the information required to decide what is best for you, when you receive your free wellness evaluation.
And of course, we provide one of the best tasting healthiest meals available on the planet. Its very low in calories, very high in nutrients and simply is one of the best treats you can give yourself. Look after yourself! Hope to see u at the club!

If you are seeing information of the above kind for the first time, and are interested in how you can do something to help your people, your community, then please take the first step, and view my web-page:

Or get back to the person who referred you to this blog!

Hasta La Vista

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